"Chopping and lifting is based on PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) patterns that are spiral and diagonal.......Chopping is the downward movement across the body from a high position
to a low position and lifting is the upward movement from a low position
to a high position.......Half kneeling chopping and lifting,on the other hand, is usually done when a single leg discrepancy is identified......"
Quelle / Gray Cook: http://www.performbetter.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/PBOnePieceView?storeId=10151&languageId=-1&pagename=191
Jörg Linder - Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention - Ihr Personal Trainer für Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe, Pforzheim, Ortenau, Nordschwarzwald.
Kettlebell-Personal-Training / 3 - 3,5 Stunden /Termine und Trainingsort nach Vereinbarung
Mauerbergstraße 110
76534 Baden-Baden
Tel.: 07223 / 8004699
Mobil: 0177 / 4977232
Mail: info@aktiv-training.de
Fax: 07223 / 8005271
Ich bin dann mal fit: www.ich-bin-dann-mal-fit.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joerglinderaktivtraining
Baden-Baden: www.training-baden-baden.de
Aktiv-Training: www.aktiv-training.de
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